Bottari & Doyle is a top-rated criminal defense law firm located in Delray Beach. We've helped hundreds of people navigate the complex criminal justice system – from DUI, domestic violence, and drug possession, to burglary, weapons and other serious charges, we have the experience and determination to stand up for you and defend your constitutional rights. Whether you're facing a minor offense or something more serious, the Delray Beach criminal defense attorneys at Bottari & Doyle can help you. Our office is located just a few blocks away from the South County courthouse located at 200 West Atlantic Ave. Many cases start in the Delray Beach courthouse.
What is different about a Delray Beach crime than a crime in a different city in Palm Beach County?
A Delray Beach charge may begin in the South County located at 200 West Atlantic Ave., instead of the main branch located in West Palm Beach. The case will usually start in Delray Beach if the charge is for a misdemeanor or a traffic crime. A police officer from the Delray Beach police department may have been the one who issued a notice to appear or who made the arrest.
Do I need a criminal attorney if I was charged with crime?
Yes, whether your arrest is for something minor, like underage drinking, or something more serious, like aggravated battery, an experienced criminal defense lawyer is necessary to aggressively fight your case.
Why hire Bottari & Doyle?
We understand that a criminal charge or arrest can change your life in an instant. Relationships, jobs, family, and more will be put on the line when a criminal charge is brought against you. At Bottari & Doyle, our criminal defense attorneys strive to do everything possible to keep clients out of jail and prison. If you've been arrested, contact the Delray Beach criminal lawyers from Bottari & Doyle today – we will work tirelessly on your behalf to go over every single detail in your case, fighting for every single advantage at every possible moment.
Arrested in Delray Beach? 561-588-2781
What are the categories of crimes?
Florida criminal offenses can be divided into two categories:
- Misdemeanors have a maximum sentence of 1 Year in county jail and a fine of up to $1,000. Common examples include DUI, Drug Possession, and Domestic Violence. Sometimes misdemeanor cases can be resolved without requiring your personal appearance in court.
- Felonies are more serious matters that are punishable by imprisonment in Florida state prison. If you've been arrested for a felony, it's important to speak to a criminal defense lawyer as soon as possible – it might be possible to reach a plea deal with the State's Attorney Office where you are not considered a convicted felon or your record is sealed. Felony charges include: drug trafficking, drug sale, possession of a firearm by a convicted felon, murder, and numerous other charges. The maximum penalty on a third degree felony, such as grand theft or felony DUI is five years in state prison. The maximum penalty on a second degree felony, such as dealing in stolen property and possession of a firearm by a convicted felony is fifteen years in state prison. First degree felonies carry a maximum of thirty years in state prison.

What are the crime rates in Delray Beach?
According to sources, Delray Beach has a population of approximately 70,000 people. In 2020, there were 5 reported murders, 33 reported rapes, 87 reported robberies and 219 reported assaults. Regarding property crimes, there were 300 reported burglaries, 206 reported grand theft autos and about 2,000 reported thefts. These rates are higher than the national average per capita. I'm providing this information as a resource and to show you that you are not alone; many people are arrested every year in Delray Beach for crimes. We can help you to defend the charges brought against you.
Source: Neighborhoodscout.com
How much does a Delray Beach criminal lawyer cost?
The cost for attorney representation depends on the type of charge and the amount of work that will go into working the case. Generally, our misdemeanor fees range between $1500 and $3500. DUI fees will start at $2500 for first time offenders. Felony attorney fees will start at $3000 for drug possession cases and get progressively higher with more complicated cases. We accept payment plans.
Will I get fired from my job for being arrested?
This will depend on your job and your employer. In Florida, an employer can fire an employee for any reason or no reason at all. You are more likely to have problems with your employer if you drive for a living and are arrested for a criminal traffic offense, or if you are a professional and have committed a serious crime.
Arrested in Delray Beach? 561-588-2781
What can a Delray Beach criminal defense attorney do for me?
- We will determine if the officer had probable cause to arrest you. A case without probable cause for an arrest should be dismissed.
- In a drug case, a DUI case, or other criminal cases, we will determine if the officer violated your 4th amendment rights that protect you from unreasonable searches and seizures.
- We will obtain witness testimony through affidavits or depositions.
- In felony cases, we will have the ability to depose witnesses to find out what they would say at trial.
- We will seek dismissal of your charges by speaking to the state attorney who is prosecuting the case against you.
- If we are unable to obtain an outright dismissal, we will negotiate the best possible resolution or go to trial to try to win a not guilty verdict.
Contact Us
Contact a Delray Beach criminal lawyer from Bottari & Doyle, P.A. at 561-588-2781 for a free consultation.