Having uninsured motorist coverage is the best way to protect you from an uninsured driver or an at-fault driver that has only the minimum insurance limits. After dealing with the trauma and potential injuries of a serious car accident, the last thing you want to worry about is the other driver's insurance policy. Instead of trying to take on the insurance company's team of lawyers by yourself, speak to the experienced our car accident attorneys at Bottari & Doyle.
We're here to help. We have years of experience dealing with insurance companies and we can fight for you to get all of the compensation that is owed to our clients. We take all of our case on a contingency basis, which means there's no upfront fees and we only get paid if you win.
What is Uninsured Motorist Coverage in South Florida?
Uninsured and Underinsured Motorist Coverage is a type of insurance coverage purchased through automobile insurance carriers. Also abbreviated as UM, this insurance protects you and other passengers from those who do not carry bodily injury liability insurance. It also protects you and other passengers if the at-fault driver did not carry enough bodily injury liability insurance to compensate you for your medical expenses.
For example, let's say Tom's vehicle rear-ends Joe's vehicle. Joe's vehicle contains Lisa, Christina and Joe. The accident injures all three of them. Tom does not have bodily injury insurance, but Joe purchased uninsured motorist coverage from State Farm in the amount of $100,000.00 per person and $300,000.00 per accident. Lisa, Christina and Joe can all make claims against Joe's uninsured motorist policy. Additionally, Christina and Lisa may be able to make claims under their uninsured motorist policies. If Tom's policy contained an insufficient amount of bodily injury coverage, all parties could pursue claims through the uninsured motorist carrier.
What is Stacked Uninsured Motorist Coverage?
Let's say you have two cars on your policy, both with $25,000.00/$50,000.00 UM limits. You are not at fault and injured in an accident. You would be able to stack the coverages, meaning you would be able to recover up to $50,000.00 per person and $100,000.00 per accident. Stacked coverage protects you if you are injured in your car and not at fault, or injured in another person's car. Non-stacked UM coverage is cheaper, and is generally limited to injuries occurring in a vehicle on your policy, without the ability to stack the coverages.
Contact the Uninsured Motorist Lawyers at Bottari & Doyle
Our Delray Beach uninsured motorist lawyer who can handle the legal issues, speak to the insurance adjusters on your behalf, and investigate all sources of potential recovery – including researching our client's own policies – to see if there is uninsured or underinsured motorists' coverage. If you or a loved one has been seriously injured in a car wreck, contact the Delray Beach accident lawyers at Bottari & Doyle as soon as possible to discuss your case. Call 561-588-2781 for a free consultation.